
2023年11月3日—ThesharingdebuggerFacebookhascreatedhelpsanalyzeyourpagesandidentifypossibleerrorsimpactingyoursharedcontent.Thedebuggeris ...,Test,create,andauthenticateAPIcallsanddebugresponses.SharingDebugger.Previewhowyourcontentwilllookwhenit'ssharedtoFacebook.AccessToken ...,TohelpyoudebugyourURLs,we'vereleasedtheFacebookURLLinter.YoucanusetheFacebookURLLinterwithmanytypesofURLs,inaddition...

How to Use the Facebook Sharing Debugger Tool

2023年11月3日 — The sharing debugger Facebook has created helps analyze your pages and identify possible errors impacting your shared content. The debugger is ...

Developer Tools - Meta for Developers

Test, create, and authenticate API calls and debug responses. Sharing Debugger. Preview how your content will look when it's shared to Facebook. Access Token ...

Debugging URLs with the Facebook URL Linter

To help you debug your URLs, we've released the Facebook URL Linter. You can use the Facebook URL Linter with many types of URLs, in addition to Open Graph ...


2022年11月9日 — A Facebook debugger tool helps you view the information pulled out by Facebook via the URL, like the link from your site, including the post ...

How to Use the Facebook Debugger to Fix WordPress ...

2024年1月9日 — The Facebook Sharing Debugger tool was created to help you solve issues with your Open Graph Meta Tags, as well as troubleshoot caching. You can ...


分享除錯工具可讓你預覽內容分享到Facebook 後的呈現方式,以及偵測開放式圖表標籤的任何問題。 登入Facebook 即可使用此工具。

Sharing Debugger - Meta for Developers

Sharing Debugger lets you preview how your content will look when it's shared to Facebook and debug any issues with your Open Graph tags.

A Complete Guide on Using Facebook Debugger

2023年10月17日 — The Facebook Open Graph Debugger helps you analyze your pages to see if there are any errors in the way they handle og tags. You can also use it ...

Facebook OpenGraph Debugger

2023年9月14日 — Navigate to Facebook's Sharing Debugger tool; Enter the URL of the page being shared on Facebook in the Input URL box. This can be any page on ...


